Environmental Strategies
Enhancing and Sustaining Organizational Performance by Implementing Pollution Prevention©2003 Diplomarbeit -
A Remote Sensing and GIS-based model of avian species habitat and its potential as a part of an environmental monitoring programme
©2002 Doktorarbeit / Dissertation -
Project Finance of power plant ventures
Identification of financial success criteria and development of a concept to measure environmental and social impact©2008 Diplomarbeit -
Do Southern English airline passangers consider airlines` environmental commitment/policy in their purchase decision making?
And can airlines gain a competitive advantage by being environmentally responsible?©2007 Bachelorarbeit -
Environmental Taxes on Exhaustible Resources
©2009 Diplomarbeit -
The Implementation of Environmental Education in elementary schools
A Comparative Study between Sweden and Germany©2013 Masterarbeit -
Future development and environmental effectiveness of “Smart Home” buildings in Austria
©2015 Referat (Ausarbeitung)