- BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation (9)
- BWL - Handel und Distribution (4)
- BWL - Investition und Finanzierung (1)
- Soziologie - Kultur, Technik und Völker (1)
- BWL - Controlling (1)
- Kulturwissenschaften - Sonstiges (1)
- Führung und Personal - Sonstiges (1)
- Musikwissenschaft - Systematische Musikwissenschaft (1)
- Soziologie - Soziales System, Sozialstruktur, Klasse, Schichtung (1)
How does corporate culture influence the effective transfer of knowledge?
Taking the case of the consulting industry©2000 Diplomarbeit -
Cultural Differences
A Barrier to Overcome the Singaporean Culture and its Characteristics©2000 Diplomarbeit -
Overcoming cultural barriers in the investment banking sector: Training and development in Germany and Switzerland
A comparative Analysis©1997 Diplomarbeit -
Cultural Problems within International Joint Ventures in China
©2004 Diplomarbeit -
"Critical" situations in multicultural teams: The role of emotions
©2004 Magisterarbeit -
Cross-Cultural Business Communication
Intercultural competence as a universal interculture©2007 Diplomarbeit -
Destination Image - Do Berlin´s tourist authorities have to consider cultural segmentation when developing marketing strategies relating to the place´s image in an era that refers to the global tourist?
An exploratory study of Arab-Islamic and Protestant European youths` pre-visitation image©2008 Masterarbeit -
Cross-Cultural Differences
American, German, Japanese and Chinese Nagotiation styles©2007 Diplomarbeit -
'There is no such thing as a spirit in the stone!' - Misrepresentations of Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture
An Anthropological Approach©1998 Magisterarbeit -
Organisational Cultures: Networks, Clusters, Alliances
©2009 Studienarbeit -
Cultural Differences as a Hidden Hurdle to Successful Business
Doing Business Between Germany and Spain©2011 Bachelorarbeit -
European spirit, adaption to market economy and national identity in Poland and Ukraine
National culture and its influence on the European Integration, advertising and entrepreneurship©2008 Masterarbeit -
Cultural Diversity Management in Organizations
Psychological Variables Diversity Trainings©2011 Magisterarbeit -
Cultural conflict line in the current French and German political landscapes
The winners vs. the losers of globalization©2022 Projektarbeit