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Application of Search Engine Marketing Methods in order to generate High-Quality Traffic

©2006 Studienarbeit 61 Seiten


In a time of tightening budgets, rising bankruptcies and heightened job insecurity, all commerce, be it a major corporation or simply that of a sole operator, must improve its ROI (Return On Investment) rate in order to ensure its continued sustainability. This factor is the key performance indicator (KPI) for any business.
The goal of improved ROI becomes all the more difficult when comparing the effectiveness of competing marketing strategies because intangible factors in the purchasing decision such as brand awareness as well as product credibility and loyalty cannot be easily quantified. Even the consumer often has an unconscious preference for one particular product over another. In this regard online marketing offers the advantage of the pull-principle: the user, who pulls the information that he/she is seeking for directly from the Internet, initiates all activities. This implies that a relationship is established between the corporation and consumer.
With 90 percent of all Internet users choosing to access a SE during a given session, this first point of contact becomes often decisive in the success or failure for the online marketing concept. Nevertheless, there is an inter-dependency between both the attractiveness and the ability to locate a website, i.e. its „findability”. A website’s content may be highly interesting and appropriate to the user’s needs – but it will be condemned to failure if it cannot be correctly sourced (i.e. ranked) by a SE. Be that as it may, every top ranked website will be rejected if content and usability disappoint expectations.
This report intends to show how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be used in a strategic context as the first part of the lead process. SEO highlights the importance of keyword decisions in order to attract customers who secure high conversion rates and thus increase sales, be it online or offline.
The first part of this analysis will explain the technical background of how SEs and keywords work. Also, there are several influential factors that should be considered when optimizing keywords for one’s business, such as SE algorithms, the SE market, the consumer and his position in the buying cycle as well as online competitors. These aspects are discussed in the second part of this analysis. The final part will present the concept of Online Performance Measurement & Management (OPMM) and demonstrate how Search Engine Marketing (SEM) can affect a business’ […]



Nina Schweinsberg
Application of Search Engine Marketing Methods in order to generate High-Quality
ISBN-10: 3-8324-9979-2
ISBN-13: 978-3-8324-9979-2
Druck Diplomica® GmbH, Hamburg, 2006
Zugl. Fachhochschule Offenburg, Offenburg, Deutschland, Studienarbeit, 2006
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Das Ziel der vorliegenden Recherche ist die theoretische Analyse und
praktische Anwendung von Suchmaschinenmarketing als Herzstück einer
strategischen Online Marketing-Ausrichtung. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt
dabei auf der Optimierung der Keywords als Teil eines kontinuierlichen
Verbesserungsprozesses innerhalb des Online Performance Managements.
Der Thematik wird sich schrittweise genähert, indem die zwei Elemente des
Suchmaschinenmarketings, organische Suchmaschinenoptimierung und der
Einsatz von Paid Search Advertising erklärt werden. Um organische
Suchergebnisse zu optimieren, ist das Hintergrundwissen zur generellen
Funktionsweise von Suchmaschinen unerlässlich, da es der Definition von
Keywords dient. Dem suchmaschinenspezifischen Algorithmus, der sowohl
Elemente des HTML Quellcodes, als auch externe Off-Page-Elemente mit
einbezieht und von Suchmaschinenbetreibern geheim gehalten wird, gilt es sich
anzunähern. Eine viel einfachere, aber kostenintensivere Möglichkeit ein hohes
Ranking zu erzielen, bietet Paid Search Advertising. Beiden Methoden
gemeinsam ist jedoch die Notwendigkeit der Ermittlung eines Keywords,
welches als einziges Bindeglied zwischen Suchmaschine, Suchmaschinennutzer
und Webmaster fungiert. Um die Effektivität einzelner Keywords zu
bestimmen werden drei Faktoren, die diese beeinflussen, aufgezeigt. Dabei
wird der Suchmaschinenmarkt mit seinen Verknüpfungen und
Austauschpunkten betrachtet und ausgewertet, der Einsatz von
Benchmarkanalysen diskutiert und das Verhalten von Suchmaschinennutzer,
speziell der Zielgruppe, analysiert.
Durch die Betrachtung dieser Einflussgrößen ergeben sich Optimierungs-
ansätze, deren Ergebnisse im Rahmen des Online Performance Managements
kontrolliert, gemessen und für weitere Verbesserungen hin zur Generierung
von Traffic mit hoher Konversionsrate und hohem Potential, genutzt werden

The aim of this research study is the theoretical analysis and practical
application of SEM as a core part of any business' online marketing strategy.
The main focus of the research deals with the optimization of keywords within
the continuous improvement process (CIP), specifically the online performance
management loop.
This issue is approached step for step by detailing the two central elements of
Search Engine Marketing: Organic search optimization and paid search
advertising. In order to optimize a website for organic search results, inside
knowledge about their general technical background is essential, since it serves
for the actual definition of "keyword". The search engine's algorithm takes in
account both a website's source code and external off-page elements. Matching
this secretly-kept algorithm in order to receive a higher ranking is the overall
target of SEO. Paid search advertising offers a more simple, but more costly
way of receiving higher rankings. Both methods however share one thing in
common: The necessity of choosing a keyword, which is the only direct
connection between search engine, SE user and webmaster.
Three influential factors, utilized by webmasters to enhance the effectiveness of
specific keywords, are studied in detail: i.e. the search engine market (links and
cross-promotion), the method of benchmarking and finally the target group's
SE behaviour. New optimization tactics result from the evaluation of these
factors, which are checked, valued and may be used for further improvements
in generating traffic with high conversion rates and high potential within the
Online Performance Management process.

Cost per Click
Call to Action
Continual Improvement Process
Customer Life-Cycle
Customer Relationship Management
Online Performance Management
Online Performance Measurement & Management
Pay for Performance
Page Impression
Return on Ad Spent
Return on Investment
Sales Funnel
Search Engine
Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Ranking Position
World Wide Web

Kurzdarstellung______________________________________________________ II
Abstract ___________________________________________________________ III
Abbreviations _______________________________________________________IV
Introduction and Overview_________________________________________ 1
Search Engine Marketing ­ Definitions and Technical Background_______ 3
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) _______________________________ 3
Delineation of SEO from SEM_______________________________ 4
Organic Search Optimization __________________________________ 4
2.2.1 SE
Technology ____________________________________________ 5
2.2.2 On-Page
Measures ________________________________________ 9
2.2.3 Off-Page
Measures _______________________________________ 13
Paid Search Advertising ______________________________________ 15
2.3.1 Paid
Inclusion ___________________________________________ 15
2.3.2 Paid
Placement __________________________________________ 16
2.3.3 Directory
Submission _____________________________________ 17
Unethical Search Optimization________________________________ 18
2.4.1 Spamdexing _____________________________________________ 18
2.4.2 Link
Spam ______________________________________________ 19
Factors Influencing Keyword Decision ______________________________ 21
SE Market __________________________________________________ 21
3.1.1 SE
Market _______________________________________________ 22
3.1.2 Trends __________________________________________________ 24
Online Competitors__________________________________________ 25
3.2.1 Keyword
Benchmark _____________________________________ 26
3.2.2 Website
Benchmark ______________________________________ 27
Target Group and SE User Behaviour __________________________ 30
General User Attitude towards SEs _________________________ 30
SE Traffic and the buying cycle ____________________________ 32

SEM within Online Performance Management _______________________ 36
Classification of Online Performance Management (OPM) _______ 36
Performance Measurement and Sales Funnel Concept_________ 37
Performance Optimization along the Sales Funnel ____________ 39
Generation of Traffic: Quality vs. Quantity _____________________ 40
Recommendations and Outlook____________________________________ 43
References_______________________________________________________ 46
Appendix____________________________________________________________ 51

Introduction and Overview
Introduction and Overview
In a time of tightening budgets, rising bankruptcies and heightened job
insecurity, all commerce, be it a major corporation or simply that of a sole
operator, must improve its ROI (Return On Investment) rate in order to ensure
its continued sustainability. This factor is the key performance indicator (KPI)
for any business. The goal of improved ROI becomes all the more difficult when
comparing the effectiveness of competing marketing strategies because
intangible factors in the purchasing decision such as brand awareness as well as
product credibility and loyalty cannot be easily quantified. Even the consumer
often has an unconscious preference for one particular product over another. In
this regard online marketing offers the advantage of the pull-principle: the user,
who pulls the information that he/she is seeking for directly from the Internet,
initiates all activities. This implies that a relationship is established between the
corporation and consumer.
With 90 percent of all Internet users choosing to access a SE during a given
session, this first point of contact becomes often decisive in the success or
failure for the online marketing concept.
Nevertheless, there is an inter-
dependency between both the attractiveness and the ability to locate a website,
i.e. its "findability". A website's content may be highly interesting and
appropriate to the user's needs ­ but it will be condemned to failure if it cannot
be correctly sourced (i.e. ranked) by a SE. Be that as it may, every top ranked
website will be rejected if content and usability disappoint expectations.
This report intends to show how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be
used in a strategic context as the first part of the lead process. SEO highlights
Jansen, Hopkins, DuBois (2003)

Introduction and Overview
the importance of keyword decisions in order to attract customers who secure
high conversion rates and thus increase sales, be it online or offline.
The first part of this analysis will explain the technical background of how SEs
and keywords work. Also, there are several influential factors that should be
considered when optimizing keywords for one's business, such as SE
algorithms, the SE market, the consumer and his position in the buying cycle as
well as online competitors. These aspects are discussed in the second part of
this analysis. The final part will present the concept of Online Performance
Measurement & Management (OPMM) and demonstrate how Search Engine
Marketing (SEM) can affect a business' overall ROI.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Search Engine Marketing ­ Definitions and
Technical Background
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Two illustrative definitions of SEO are:
"The act of altering a website so that it does well in the organic, crawler-
based listings of search engines."
"All measures whose aim is to achieve a higher search engine ranking
position (SERP) in search result listings by the use of relevance criteria. SEO
comprises both `On-Page Optimization' (e.g. changes within the structure or
content of websites) and `Off-Page Optimization' (e.g. the active generation
of inbound links in order to improve the link popularity of a website)."
As these definitions show, the aim of SEO is the improvement of a website's
SERP and the enhancement of Page Impression (PI) through unpaid, organic SE
listings. "Optimization" refers in this sense to "an act, process, or methodology
of making something (as a design, system, or decision) as fully perfect,
functional, or effective as possible".
SEO emphasizes the effectiveness of
organic listings in order to attract not only as many Internet users as possible,
but potential customers as well.
Sullivan, Danny (2005)
Erlhofer, Sebastian (2005), p 302, own translation
Merriam Webster (2005)

Organic Search Optimization
Delineation of SEO from SEM
SEO needs to be understood as concept that differs distinctly from SEM. As can
be seen through the definition from Fredrick Marckini, CEO of the SEM firm
iProspect, SEM includes both organic and paid search:
"SE Marketing (SEM) is the art and science of increasing a website's
visibility across the major search properties (both engines and directories)
through a combination of paid search advertising and organic SE
optimization methodologies on a targeted list of keywords and phrases
relevant to your company, products or services."
Other definitions state that SE marketing equals SE advertising. For the
following analysis however, the term SEM is considered to combine both
organic and paid SE measures.
Organic Search Optimization
Organic search, also referred to as natural, unpaid or pure search, characterises
the listed results of specific search phrases based solely on the SE's algorithmic
In order to optimize a website for SEs, both on-page and off-page
measures are essential, as only the combination of the two will result in a higher
SERP for a special keyword or keyword combination. The importance of a high
listing position becomes obvious when considering that 54 % of SE users will
examine only the first result page, with 80 % clicking on just one of the top three
organic results.
Additionally, organic searching is, by nature, free of charge, is
accepted by Internet users and has a high branding effect.
A significant
disadvantage however is the required continual revision of the ranking
Marckini, Fredrick (2004)
as above
Jansen, Hopkins, DuBois (2003)
BVDW (2005)

Organic Search Optimization
algorithm, which then makes SEO a never-ending loop: i.e. a continual
improvement process (CIP).
SE Technology
There are three distinct types of search methods: spider SEs, meta SEs and web
catalogs. The latter method differs in that the results are generated not by
algorithms, but by editors who sort out interesting and relevant websites to a
specific topic. These sites are then added into the search results. Therefore
additional information such as category, topic of the content and a descriptive
title needs to be registered. However, it often takes up to four weeks until the
website is listed in the catalog.
There is no automatic acceptance right, though
many SEs charge extra for this service. Spider and Meta SEs on the other hand
are complex software programs, which index the Internet while simultaneously
gathering all pertinent site information. The results of this information
gathering are evaluated according to a specific SE algorithm and sorted in
accordance with a website's relevance. There are four search modules that can
be used independently or combined in a SE: the web crawler system (crawler
and crawler control), the information retrieval system (indexer and collection
analysis module); the user interface with its query processor (query engine) and
finally the ranking module:
Figure 1: SE Architecture
Kaufmann, Florian (2004)
Cronin, Gareth (2001)

Organic Search Optimization
Web Crawler Module
The crawler module, also known as a spider, robot or simply crawler,
downloads web pages into the indexing module for later processing. The
crawler starts at a particular set of URLs and then accesses all the links from it.
Its task is to scan the Internet and save every relevant information on web
documents, scrutinise them on up-to-dateness and availability. Despite the fact,
that crawler systems consist of several thousand, globally spread servers,
crawlers cannot download all documents. They prioritize `important' Web
pages first and follow up its links. This potentially difficult process is known as
page selection.
The tasks of the information retrieval system are to evaluate the
relevancy and importance of a website, analyse the crawler data and then save
and index it into a page repository.
Information-Retrieval Module
The information retrieval module consists of two parts: the indexer and the
collection analysis module. The main difference between all SEs lies in this part,
as the different design application of each part represents its own system of
weighting and controls and will produce different indexes and search results.
a) Indexer
Due to the diversity of programming languages and styles, crawler data is
found in a whole variety of heterogeneous document structure and different
document types. The task of the indexer module is to analyze the content of this
data by indexing text and links. For the text index the HTML tags are removed
and the contents of the meta keyword tag, description tag, titles, headings,
links, body, bold, and italic tags (i.e. structure) as well as additional information
on the location and occurrence of words are analysed.
Türker, Denise (2004)
as above


ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Paperback)
2.2 MB
Institution / Hochschule
Hochschule Offenburg – Studiengang Medien und Informationswesen
2006 (November)
suchmaschine suchmaschinenoptimierung website internet online performance management

Titel: Application of Search Engine Marketing Methods in order to generate High-Quality Traffic
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