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Foreign Direct Investment in Ireland under Consideration of the Financial Services Sector in particular

©2004 Bachelorarbeit 58 Seiten


This dissertation examines the critical importance of foreign direct investment in the growth of Ireland. It explains the reasons for Ireland’s success and identifies the key steps in the history. The analysis is carried out in terms of the role of the Irish government policy in promoting foreign direct investment. Without the influence of foreign direct investment inflows, the economy would not have grown to the extent as it has. This paper will also show how important foreign direct investment is for the Irish economy in the future. The paper describes several theories about foreign direct investment. It addresses the advantages and disadvantages. More in depth this paper investigates the determinants of financial services sector investments abroad. It will also be shown how the Industrial Development Authority as an agency and the International Financial Services Centre contributed to Ireland’s success. The example Hypo Real Estate Bank International illustrates how an investment in Ireland succeeded. This paper should attract readers with an interest in the Irish history and economy, in the role of foreign direct investment for a country’s economy, or in financial services sector investments abroad.

O’Connor and Forde (2003) refer to George Bernard Shaw, who quipped in the 1930s, that he hoped to be in Ireland on the day the world ended, because the Irish were always 50 years behind the times. Over 70 years later, the same can not be said. With an economy growing at a rate consistently above the EU average, Ireland is one of the most favoured locations for foreign direct investment in Europe by multinational corporations. Ireland has been transformed over the recent years. It has witnessed an economic miracle. There has been significant discussion in the business, academic, and popular press about the ‘Celtic Tiger’. Since 1987, there has been a sustained and well-balanced economic boom. This remarkable performance has been in complete contrast to the former development since the foundation of the state in 1922. The boom has changed the country. Ireland has become one of the leading European countries in economic development. One major reason for the success was the change in legislation and thus, a huge increase of foreign direct investment in Ireland followed by economic growth and wealth.
After the introduction, chapter two starts with a description of the recent economic development in Ireland. […]




ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Paperback)
510 KB
Institution / Hochschule
Dublin Institute of Technology – unbekannt
2005 (Juli)
irland auslandsdirektinvestition bank finanzdienstleistung

Titel: Foreign Direct Investment in Ireland under Consideration of the Financial Services Sector in particular
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58 Seiten