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Implementation of a declarative query and data manipulation language for X-Ray

©2002 Diplomarbeit 135 Seiten


Nowadays, database management systems (DBMS) play a central role in the realization of modern information systems for efficient storage, management and retrieval of large amount of data. At the same time, the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is emerging fast as de facto standard for electronic data exchange. In order to be able to benefit from both technologies, a number of approaches have already been developed, aiming at the integration of XML and DBMS. They allow processing XML data on the basis of declarative query languages, don’t pay however much attention to the manipulation of XML data.
The objective of this diploma thesis is to implement X-Ray QL, a declarative query and data manipulation language for X-Ray, an integration approach using the idea of a meta database. X-Ray QL allows besides creating, editing and deleting XML data in a declarative way, to retrieve the XML data using simple select queries.
The implementation of X-Ray QL consequently provides an operative runtime part of the X-Ray architecture with features like session management, authorisation mechanism and transaction control. An additional Web Service demonstrates the practical use of the X-Ray QL implementation.

Datenbankmanagementsysteme (DBMS) spielen heutzutage eine zentrale Rolle bei der Realisierung moderner Informationssysteme zur effizienten Speicherung, Verwaltung und Verarbeitung großer Datenmengen. Gleichzeitig steht mit der eXtensible Markup Language (XML) eine erweiterbare Auszeichnungssprache zur Verfügung, die unter anderem als Quasi-Standard für den elektronischen Datenaustausch gilt. Um die Vorteile beider Technologien nutzen zu können, existiert bereits eine Reihe von Ansätzen, die eine Integration von XML und DBMS zum Ziel haben. Diese Ansätze erlauben es XML Datenbestände auf Basis deklarativer Abfragesprachen zu verarbeiten, jedoch wurde das Verändern von bestehenden Datenbeständen noch nicht genauer behandelt ([KIM02]).
Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es X-Ray QL, eine deklarative Abfrage- und Datenmanipulationssprache für X-Ray, ein Integrationsansatz unter Verwendung einer Metadatenbank, zu implementieren. X-Ray QL ermöglicht, neben dem deklarativen Erzeugen, Ändern und Löschen von XML Datenbeständen, auch einfache Abfragen durchzuführen.
Durch die Implementierung von X-Ray QL entsteht der Laufzeitteil der X-Ray Architektur, welcher sich durch Sessionmanagement, Autorisierungsmechanismus und […]



ID 7580
Hiebl, Christian: Implementation of a declarative query and data manipulation language
for X-Ray
Hamburg: Diplomica GmbH, 2004
Zugl.: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Universität, Diplomarbeit, 2002
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Table of Contents
Introduction ... 9
1.1 Motivation ... 9
Goals of this Thesis ... 10
Structure of this Thesis... 11
X-Ray Architecture ... 12
2.1 Motivation ... 12
X-Ray Architecture in Detail ... 12
The Definition Part... 13
The Runtime Part ... 14
The Meta Database Interface... 15
2.3 Architectural
Terminology... 16
2.3.1 X-Ray
Source ... 16
2.3.2 XML
Document ... 16
2.3.3 Repository ... 18
X-Ray Runtime Implementation ... 23
3.1 Authorisation... 23
3.1.1 Motivation ... 23
3.1.2 Authorisation
Engine... 23
3.2 Session
Management... 25
3.3 QL
Engine ... 27
X-Ray QL Query Execution... 28
X-Ray QL Query Verification... 31
3.4 Syntax
Check... 31
3.5 XPath
Engine... 34
3.6 SQL
Engine ... 37
3.7 SQL
Queries... 38

3.7.1 Select
Query ... 39
3.7.2 Update
Query ... 41
3.7.3 Insert
Query... 42
3.7.4 Delete
Query ... 42
3.8 Select
Engine... 42
3.8.1 Initialisation... 43
3.8.2 Execution... 44 Target
Attributes ... 45 Query
Source... 48 Predicates ... 49 Predicates with Position Information ... 50 Predicates without Position Information ... 51 Query
Processing... 51 Query
Result... 52
3.9 Update
Engine ... 52
3.9.1 Simple
Update ... 53
3.9.2 Cascading
Update... 54
3.10 Insert
Engine ... 56
3.10.1 Direct
Operations ... 56
3.10.2 Indirect
Operation ... 58
3.11 Delete
Engine ... 60
Direct Delete Operation ... 60
Indirect Delete Operation ... 61
3.12 Transaction
Control... 62
3.12.1 Commit... 62
3.12.2 Rollback ... 64
X-Ray Language Definition ... 65
Commit / Rollback ... 66
4.2 Select ... 66
4.2.1 XPath
Expression ... 66

4.2.2 X-Ray
Source ... 68
4.3 Update ... 69
4.4 Insert... 69
4.5 Delete ... 73
X-Ray QL Web Service ... 75
X-Ray QL Deployment Descriptor ... 75
Web Service Client... 77
Outlook ... 81
Extension of the X-Ray Runtime Part... 81
6.1.1 Authorisation
Engine... 81
6.1.2 Document-oriented
Data ... 82
Extension of the Web Service Client ... 82
Extension of X-Ray QL... 83
X-Ray Architecture Extensions... 83
XML Mixed Content Types ... 84
X-Ray QL Rename Operation... 84
X-Ray QL Assign Operation... 84
Conclusion... 86
Index of Figures... 92
Index of Tables... 94
Index of Examples... 96
Appendix A: X-Ray QL ... 99
Appendix B: CoCo Input Languages ... 102
Appendix C: Example ... 110
Appendix D: X-Ray Definition Part Extensions... 135
Lebenslauf ... 136

Chapter 1
1.1 Motivation
The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) [BRA00] is a universal format for structured
documents and data on the Web, which has been established in many different application
areas. XML is the basis for a lot of other standards, for example the ebXML (Electronic
Business using eXtensible Markup Language) [EBX01] standard, which is used to define
business processes and their associated messages and content, for a global electronic market.
Nowadays XML and related technologies like XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language), are
used to manage web content and content presentation on the World Wide Web. XSL is a
language for expressing style sheets, which consists of three parts: XSL Transformations
(XSLT) [XSLT99], a language for transforming XML documents, the XML Path Language
(XPath) [XPA99], an expression language used by XSLT to access or refer to parts of an
XML document, and XSL Formatting Objects, an XML vocabulary for specifying formatting
Although XSL may be used for content formatting, the web application's data is still stored
within database systems. Meanwhile, the database research community has been hard at work
in addressing the challenges of providing XML views of relational databases, with systems
such as SilkRoute [SIL00] and XPERANTO [XPE00]. Another development on the database
vendor sector are native XML database systems (e.g. Tamino Server [TAM01]), which use a
special internal schema for storing XML data. Other database vendors provided their database
systems with functionalities for writing and administering XML data
[ORA01][IBM01][MIC01], which lead to the integration of XML and relational databases.
In this way increasing amounts of information are stored, exchanged, and presented using
XML, and the ability to intelligently query XML data sources becomes increasingly

important. One of the great strengths of XML is its flexibility in representing many different
kinds of information from diverse sources. To exploit this flexibility, XML query languages
[BON99][FER01] were introduced, which provide features for retrieving and interpreting
information from these diverse sources. Examples for XML query languages are Quilt
[QUI00], XQuery [XQU02], XQL [XQL99], XMLQL [DEU99] and Lorel [LOR97].
The next step in making XML into a full-featured data exchange format is to support not only
queries, but also updates, over XML content stored within relational databases. It should be
possible to modify content within XML documents and to express updates to XML views,
which represent the XML data contained in database systems, and which are percolated back
to the original data [TAT01].
There are only a few approaches for designing an XML update language. One of them,
XUpdate [XUP00], provides open and flexible update facilities to modify data in XML
documents. This approach makes location of documents transparent. It can be real (i.e.
materialised) documents or virtual documents retrieved from XML databases. An update in
the XUpdate language is expressed as a well-formed XML document. XUpdate makes
extensive use of the expression language defined by XPath for selecting elements for updating
and for conditional processing, and is a pure descriptive language, which is designed with
references to the definition of XSL Transformations (XSLT).
Lexus is the Java based reference implementation of the XUpdate specification that is used in
several Open Source projects and commercial products. The current Lexus version is
available for download at, the organisation developing Lexus and the
XUpdate standard.
Goals of this Thesis
Goal of this diploma thesis is to implement X-Ray QL, which was developed as update
language and as simple query language for XML. This query language was explicitly
designed for the X-Ray architecture [ART99][OBE01], which supports the integration of
data-oriented XML data models and relational database systems.
The basic concepts behind X-Ray QL have been already described in [KIM02].
The following points have to be considered during the implementation of X-Ray QL:
- Extension and completion of the existing X-Ray QL definition [KIM02]
- Implementation of X-Ray QL with respect to the extension of the meta database
[OBE02] in form of a class library
- Integration of the X-Ray definition part (diploma thesis of Martin Oberhammer
[OBE02]) and the runtime part in a common architecture (as described in chapter 2)
- Design and Implementation of an interface to the runtime part of the X-Ray

architecture (for example as a Web Service) as described in chapter 5
- Design and Implementation of a graphical user interface for deposing X-Ray QL
queries (as described in section 5.2)
Structure of this Thesis
At the beginning of this diploma thesis the actual X-Ray architecture will be described in
short terms for a better understanding of the main concepts. This comprises a short
explanation of the definition part's architecture and an overview over the main components of
the runtime part. The meta database interface is another subject of this chapter. The basic
terms of the X-Ray runtime part will be introduced in a section over the architectural
The detailed documentation of the X-Ray runtime part can be found in chapter 3, where all
main components of the current architecture implementation are described in detail. For a
better understanding this chapter is exemplified with adequate code and usage examples. This
chapter documents the core implementation work of this diploma thesis.
Chapter 4 is dedicated to the X-Ray QL syntax as implemented by the X-Ray runtime part.
This chapter can be seen as a user guide for the X-Ray query language and is therefore
completed with a number of examples.
The user interface to the X-Ray runtime part is described in chapter 5, which proposes a
possible implementation of a Web Service and a corresponding Web Service client. The Web
Service was implemented as an Apache SOAP server [APA01][JAK01] and the Web Service
client is implemented as a prototypical Java application.
Chapter 6 will give an outlook at further research and development of the topic X-Ray query
language and X-Ray runtime part. The last chapter is about the conclusions drawn from the
work on this diploma thesis, containing ideas on improving the X-Ray query language, the X-
Ray runtime part and the X-Ray architecture. This chapter also deals with emerged problems
and will complete this diploma thesis.
This diploma thesis is documented with an example on the world's literature history. The
source XML documents, Document Type Definitions and the data contents of the meta
database and relational database are contained in the appendix of this work.

Chapter 2
X-Ray Architecture
This chapter describes the X-Ray Architecture, which has been dealt of in the thesis of
[KAP00] and [ART99]. Therefore this chapter will only introduce the main concepts for a
better understanding of the following chapters of this work.
2.1 Motivation
X-Ray is an approach to integrate XML and relational database systems. X-Ray differentiates
from other approaches by not only offering possibilities for storing XML datasets in relational
database systems, but also by providing a mapping mechanism by the use of a meta database.
This meta database contains mappings between XML schema information (in form of a DTD)
and a relational schema, and consists of database relations stored in a relational database.
The advantage of this approach is, that the DTD and the relational schema do not have to be
changed, and may therefore be used further on with other applications. So the autonomy of
the DTD and the relational database schema will remain unaffected.
With this approach it is possible to interpret data contained in a relational database schema as
a XML document. The user is enabled to query, completely transparent, XML documents
from the relational database schema.
X-Ray Architecture in Detail
The following figure shows the existing architecture of X-Ray as drafted in the practical of
Eugen Kimmerstorfer and Martin Oberhammer [OBE01].

X-Ray Architecture
Page 13
Figure 1 - X-Ray architecture
The X-Ray architecture consists of two parts:
- Definition
- Runtime part (shown as black box)
2.2.1 The Definition Part
The definition part was realised in the diploma thesis of Martin Oberhammer [OBE02] and is
used to insert concepts (these are relational database descriptions and XML Document Type
Definition (DTD)) into the meta database. The X-Ray administrator may administer the
concepts and build mappings between certain concepts. At this the X-Ray init tool developed
by Martin Oberhammer assists the X-Ray administrator. It provides convenience for inserting,
deleting and modifying these concepts and the mapping between them. Generators like the
mapping generator, the schema generator and so on, are responsible to write information
about the concepts into the meta database by accessing the meta database via an interface, the
MetaDBEngine. The meta database was designed at the department of information systems
(IFS) at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz and implemented in Java by Eugen
Kimmerstorfer and Martin Oberhammer during a practical course work. Martin Oberhammer

X-Ray Architecture
Page 14
implemented the X-Ray init tool in the course of his diploma thesis. The definition part is
documented in [OBE02]. For the integration with the X-Ray runtime part the definition part
had to be extended as documented in the appendix.
2.2.2 The Runtime Part
The runtime part was drafted in the diploma thesis of Eugen Kimmerstorfer [KIM02] and its
implementation is the primary focus of this diploma thesis. The main purpose of this part
deals with the creation of XML documents and the modification of existing XML documents.
To simplify the creation and manipulation of XML documents X-Ray QL was introduced, to
enable a user to select, insert, update or delete XML data from or into XML documents
[KIM02]. Chapter 4 enters into the implementation and realisation of X-Ray QL.
With the mapping information from the meta database and the information about XML and
relational concepts the runtime part is able to form XML documents. As the X-Ray query
language is able to manage more than one XML document, the runtime system must be
capable of allocating different values of one database relation to different XML documents.
The realisation of this core functionality is described in section 2.3.2 "XML Document"
Figure 2 - X-Ray runtime part components
The X-Ray runtime part consists of several engines for processing X-Ray QL queries.
The main engine of the X-Ray runtime system is the QL engine, which is responsible for
managing all other engines (the arrows in the figure show the flow of control). It acts as an
entry point for X-Ray QL queries and returns the results of a query processing. As not every
user may access the X-Ray runtime part functionality, the QL engine orders the authorisation
engine to verify the user's identity. The XPath engine takes care of XPath expressions inside
X-Ray QL queries and is therefore responsible for identifying the XML concepts concerned
by an X-Ray QL query. The SQL engines use the identified XML concepts and use the

X-Ray Architecture
Page 15
mapping information from the meta database to retrieve the relational concepts. Then the SQL
engines process SQL queries on the relational databases containing the relational concept
data. These SQL queries may be selects, inserts, updates or deletes that modify in this way the
data of a XML document.
So the runtime system provides access to the XML documents administered by the meta
database. The interface between user and X-Ray runtime part may be implemented in
manifold variants. The user may access the X-Ray runtime system via a Java web application
in a web browser, or a Windows application implemented in Visual Basic, and many more. A
possible implementation is shown in chapter 5.
2.2.3 The Meta Database Interface
Both, the definition part and the runtime part have access to the meta database. The definition
part implements an interface to the meta database, which provides functionality for retrieving
and writing XML concepts and relational database concepts. On the one hand the runtime part
accesses this interface and on the other hand it implements its own meta database interface.
This runtime part meta database interface is realised by the MetaDBAccess class, which
exclusively handles all access to the meta database.
Figure 3 - MetaDBAccess class
The MetaDBAccess class provides useful functions for retrieving repositories (see later on
in section 2.3.3) and XML documents (section 2.3.2), and for creating and adding XML
documents within the meta database. With the getUser function user information can be
retrieved, to verify a user's identity during authorisation. The commit and rollback functions
support transactional behaviour of the meta database. A certain relational database connection
can be created with the information retrieved by the getRDBConnectInfo function.

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2.3 Architectural
The following sections describe the different components of the X-Ray runtime part
architecture in detail. However, as every component works on X-Ray QL queries some basics
of X-Ray QL queries, which affect the X-Ray architecture, have to be described first. Other
basic terms like XML concept, relational concept or XML DTD can be looked up in
2.3.1 X-Ray
The source of an X-Ray QL query consists of an alias name for a repository (see section 2.3.3
about "Repository") and a name for a XML document (see next section) in this repository.
Figure 4 - XRaySource class
To retrieve the XML document, the XML document cache is first looked up, as the XML
document may be already used before. If no document was found, it is retrieved from the
meta database. This XML document specifies the XML elements that will be affected by the
X-Ray QL query.
2.3.2 XML
The X-Ray architecture [OBE02] allows creating a mapping between a XML DTD and a
relational database schema (also called repository). By storing this mapping information into
the meta database, it is possible to manage the relational data in XML documents.
In fact a mapping between one XML DTD and one relational database schema would result in
only one XML document covering all the data of the relational database schema (section 3.5
in [KIM02]). However, as the X-Ray query language allows operating on different XML
documents valid to a single DTD, it is necessary to use a mechanism for differentiation of
XML documents.
The mapping rules of X-Ray demand, that the DTD elements of the first level (DTD's root
element is level 0) are mapped to a database relation (see mapping rules in [KAP00] and
[ART99]). As the rows of every database relation are identified by primary key attributes, it is
possible to differentiate XML documents by the values of their first level elements. So it is
possible to manage more than one XML document for a mapping between a XML DTD and a
relational database schema.

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To manage the different XML documents they are stored in the XMLD
relation in
the meta database.
@XMLDocumentName @XMLCP
@DBAttId @Value
1 europe
1 germany
Table 1 -
database relation
column stores the name of the XML document. The column
MappingId contains the mapping information that is used as repository of this XML
A XML document consists of a first level XML content particle, where the XMLCP column
contains the name of this first level element. As a first level XML content particle has to have
a mapping to a database relation, it is possible to identify this relation by its primary keys
(DBattId). By providing values (Value) for every primary key attribute, a XML document
may be uniquely identified. As there may be more then one occurrence of a first level XML
content particle belonging to a document (the document "europe" contains the authors
identified by a database attribute with the value "author1" and "author2" for the primary key
attribute with id 1), the occurrences are separated by a key (XMLElementKey object). So the
Key column in the XMLD
relation represents a set of primary key attributes,
belonging to a concrete first level element, or the other way round, all primary key attributes
(DocAttribute object) of a single first level XML content particle occurrence, with their
values, belong to a certain key.
The following figure shows the UML [UML01] class diagram for XML documents in X-Ray:
Figure 5 ­ UML XML document class structure

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The XMLDocument object is a representation of a document stored within the
relation in the meta database. This object provides a function to add new
first level elements to the document, and to retrieve all first level elements from the
document. The first level elements are represented by the XMLElementKey class, which
contains all primary key attributes and according values of the first level element. The
DocAttribute class represents such an attribute.
When a new X-Ray repository is created by building a mapping between a DTD and a
relational database schema with the X-Ray init tool [OBE02], the XMLD
has to be initialised with the "Default XML Document". This document contains all the data
of the relational database schema. The database relation would look like this.
@XMLDocumentName @XMLCP @DBAttId @Value
Table 2 ­ ALL document in
database relation
The value "*" indicates, that all occurrences of the primary key attribute belong to this XML
document. This "ALL" document is used, when an X-Ray QL query with an X-Ray source
without a XML document name is processed. The QL engine is responsible for administer
this meta database relation, by adding or removing XML documents.
2.3.3 Repository
An X-Ray repository is a certain mapping between a XML DTD and a relational database
schema. The mapping describes the assignments between XML elements of the DTD and
relational components. So a XML atomic type may be mapped to a database attribute (see
mapping rules in [KAP00] and [ART99]), which means, that the values for the XML atomic
element type in a XML document will be retrieved from this database attribute.
To identify the mapping information, the expression XML alias was introduced.
A repository can be divided in several XML documents, where the different documents may
overlap each other.

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Figure 6 - X-Ray repository LITERATURE
The graphic above shows the repository literature. This repository consists of the mapping
between the DTD LITERATURE_HISTORY.DTD and the relational database schema
containing data for some authors of the worlds literature history. There may exist manifold
mappings between XML concepts and relational concepts, as long as the X-Ray mapping
rules ([KAP00] and [ART99]) are fulfilled. According to the X-Ray mapping rules, the first
level element has to be mapped to a database relation (ET_R_direct). So the first level
element author is mapped to the database relation A
. The atomic element type
fname is mapped to the database attribute FNAME and the atomic element type lname is
mapped to the column LNAME.
The database relation the first level element is mapped to is used for differentiating XML
documents. In the graphic above the accommodation with ID value "author1" belongs to the
XML document "germany.XML". The XML document "europe.XML" contains both author
entries which overlaps with the first XML document, as mentioned above.
Additionally a universal "ALL" document exists, which contains all entries of the database
relation mapped by the first level element. The name "ALL" is therefore a reserved document
name and may not be used by regular XML documents. An X-Ray QL query that operates on
the "ALL" XML document would use the data, contained in the relational database, in a data
oriented way and not in document oriented way.

X-Ray Architecture
Page 20
xmlD TD
Figure 7 - Repository class
The X-Ray runtime system uses a Repository object and a repository cache to manage X-Ray
repositories. Every time the QL engine processes a X-Ray QL query the document's source, is
analysed, and a repository is searched for the XML alias, which is contained within the
query's source. As the repository consists of mapping information, which is not going to
change on the fly, the used repositories can be kept in a cache for faster access. So first the
repository is searched in the repository cache.
If no repository were found for the case insensitive XML alias, the repository would be taken
from the meta database. Therefore the meta database relations XMLA
are used to create a Repository object.
@XMLAlias MappingId
Table 3 -
database relation
@MappingId XMLDTD DBSchema
Table 4 -
database relation
The constructor of the Repository class uses the generators of the X-Ray definition part to
retrieve the XML DTD (line 10 in code below) and the database schema (see line 12) for the
mapping at hand. The name of the XML DTD and the database schema for the available
mapping can be found in the XMLDBS
meta database relation. The mapping
is identified by the mapping id, but for comfortable usage the XML alias name was
introduced. The correlation between XML alias name and mapping id can be resolved with

X-Ray Architecture
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the XMLA
meta database relation.
After generating the XML DTD and the database schema, the DTD is mapped to the database
schema using the mapping generator (see line18) of the definition part. With this initialisation
of the Repository object, the X-Ray runtime system is able to access the mapping
information at any time.
For quicker reuse the Repository object is placed in the repository cache.
* This constructor creates the repository with the given parameters. The
* constructed Repository contains the XMLDTD mapped to the DBSchema.
* @param xmlAlias The alias for the mappingId of this repository.
* @param mappingId The mappingId for the mapping of XMLDTD and DBSchema.
* @param dbSchema The name of the DBSchema of this repository.
public Repository(String xmlAlias, int mappingId, String dbSchema) {
this.xmlAlias = xmlAlias;
this.mappingId = mappingId;
this.dbSchema = dbSchema;
try {
ConnectInfo conInfo = EnvironmentProperties.getMetaDBConnectInfo();
Connection con = conInfo.createConnection();
//use threads for mapping XMLDTD and DBSchema
//Thread1 retrieves XMLDTD with the given xmlAlias
10: ifs.xray.Thread1 t1 = new ifs.xray.Thread1(xmlAlias, con);
11: //Thread2 retrieves DBSchema with the given
12: ifs.xray.Thread2 t2 = new ifs.xray.Thread2(dbSchema, con);
13: try {
16: xmlDtd = t1.getXMLDTD();
17: DBSchema schema = t2.getDBSchema();
18:, xmlDtd, schema, con);
19: }
20: catch (Exception ex) {
21: err.println(clsName, ex.getMessage());
22: }
23: }
24: catch (ConnectException ex) {
25: err.println(clsName, ex.getMessage());
26: }
27: }
Example 1 - Constructor of class Repository
An X-Ray repository can be identified by the XML alias, which must be unique in the X-Ray
meta database. For example the alias acc identifies the repository with the mapping
information between the XML DTD accommodation and the database schema with the
according database relations.

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A concrete XML document inside a repository is referred in the following way:
Example 2 - X-Ray Source structure
For example: literature:germany
This references the XML document "germany" in the repository "literature". So the document
is referred without the extension ".XML", as the name is always referring a XML document.
If no document name is specified, the "ALL" document will be used for data oriented
processing of the X-Ray QL query.

Chapter 3
X-Ray Runtime
This chapter deals with the implementation of the X-Ray runtime part. The runtime system is
realised as a class library and implemented in Java. The implementation work was realised
with the integrated development environment (IDE) JBuilder in the version 5 using Java
In the following sections, the components of the runtime part, mentioned in the last chapter,
will be described in detail.
3.1 Authorisation
3.1.1 Motivation
As not everyone is allowed to use the X-Ray runtime system, a user has to be authorised to
use the X-Ray QL runtime system. Therefore an authorisation mechanism is implemented
within the authorisation engine and is responsible for identifying the user. If the authorisation
engine recognised the user he will retrieve a unique session id, which he has to use for
identifying his session and indirectly himself, every time he is using the X-Ray runtime
system functionality.
3.1.2 Authorisation
If the user authorises with the authorisation engine, his identity will be verified. The users
identity consists of his login name, this is his username, and his login password, which is
represented by the Authorisation object.

X-Ray Runtime Implementation
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pass word
Figure 8 - Authorisation class
The authorisation engine takes this object and verifies the users identity. Therefore the
authorisation engine simply checks if the user's username and password are valid by trying to
find a user with this username-password combination. As this authorisation mechanism
controls access to the runtime system and the data contained in the meta database, the user
information is kept within the meta database. So the meta database was extended by a U
@UserName @Password
Table 5 - Database relation users
This relation contains two attributes, the name and password used for authorising the user
with the runtime system. This relation might contain a lot more information about the user,
like first name, last name and so on. This authorisation mechanism permits to manage more
than one user by simply adding a new user to this meta database relation.
If the authorisation engine is trying to verify a user's identity, it will try to find a user object,
with the corresponding username and password.
Figure 9 - User class
Therefore the user cache is searched first, as the user cache would contain user objects that
have been used before. If no user object was found, the U
relation within the meta
database would be searched for the combination of the given username and password. If a
user were found, a new user object would be created and would be put into the user cache. So,
if no user object can be retrieved, neither from the user cache nor from the meta database, the
user is unknown to the X-Ray runtime system, and therefore the authorisation engine will

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reject him. In this case no session id is created for the unknown user and the user will not be
able to execute X-Ray QL queries with the X-Ray runtime system.
If a user object were found, either in the user cache or in the meta database, the user would be
known to the runtime system. In this case the authorisation engine requests the session
management to create a new session for the user, which is identified by a session id. This
unique session identifier enables the user to invoke the QL engines functionality. In this way
the authorisation engine activates the session management of the X-Ray runtime system.
: QLEngine
: AuthorisationEngine
: MetaDBAccess
: SessionManagement
: UserCache
If a user could be
ass ociated with
the Authorisation
getUser(String, String)
getUser(String, String)
Figure 10 - Sequence diagram of the authorisation mechanism
3.2 Session
The session management is responsible for creating a session object, when the authorisation
engine authorises a user. In this case a new user session will be created and will be put in the
session cache.
The user's session is identified by a unique session ID, which consists of ten characters,
generated accidentally, and a uniquely rising number. The user has to specify this session id
every time he requests functionality from the X-Ray runtime system. With the provided
session id the session management allocates his session by taking the according session object
from the session cache and initialising the runtime system with the user's information.
In this way the session management enables different users to use the X-Ray runtime system
at the same time, without re-authorising at the beginning of every request. To accomplish this
comfort, on the one hand the connections to the relational databases used by a user are stored
within this user's session object. On the other hand all uncommitted insert operations and the
according SQL query to insert the XML document in the meta database are stored in this
user's session object. This is because the X-Ray QL insert queries are executed during a
"COMMIT" operation and not during the "INSERT" operation, as not all relational data may

X-Ray Runtime Implementation
Page 26
be available with one X-Ray QL insert query (see section 3.10). Therefore the insert
operations and the XML document that shall be inserted are also kept in the session object.
Connection to a relatonal
Database identified by a
ConnectionInfo object.
Inserts are kept together
according to the
XMLDocument the
belong to
Figure 11 - Session management class diagram
As it is possible to use different repositories (see section 2.3.3) as source of different X-Ray
QL queries, there may be connections to different relational databases. If a new source (see
section 2.3.1) is used in an X-Ray QL query a new relational database connection will be
created. Every relational database connection in a session is created in non-auto-commit
mode, this means, that a commit or rollback has to be invoked explicitly, to end a transaction.
As mentioned before, a session also holds all insert queries the user sends to the X-Ray
runtime part. As several XML documents may be created in parallel, the session has to store
insert queries separated by their source. If an insert query is executed during a commit
operation (see section 3.12.1), it will be removed from the session object, so it cannot be
executed a second time. Therefore the session object provides functionality to add, remove,
retrieve and update insert operations within the session.
The XML documents (see section 2.3.2), which shall be created, are also kept within the
session. The documents will remain in the session until a valid commit operation inserts them
into the meta database. Providing these information it is possible to spread transactions over
several requests without loosing connections to the used relational databases. So it is not
necessary to commit or rollback any request sent to the runtime system. An example will
clarify the session management functionality:
Request 1, User 1:
INSERT ELEMENT lithist FROM literature:england;
INSERT ELEMENT author WITH ATTRIBUTES @id="author3", @firstentry="03.10.2002",
@lastentry="03.10.2002" INTO lithist FROM literature:england;
Example 3 - Request 1, User 1
Request 1, User 2:

X-Ray Runtime Implementation
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SELECT lithist FROM literature;
Example 4 - Request 1, User 2
Request 2, User 1:
INSERT ELEMENT name INTO /author[@id="author3"] FROM literature:england;
Example 5 - Request 2, User 1
Two time-shared users send X-Ray QL queries to the X-Ray runtime system. For every user a
session object will be created. In the first request of user 1 a new XML document with the
name "england" is created by inserting two elements into the not existing XML document
"england" of the repository "literature". A repository is a mapping between a XML DTD and
a relational database, and is described in section 2.3.3 "Repository". As user 1 has to provide
his session id to execute an X-Ray QL query with the X-Ray runtime system, the insert
statements and the new XML document can be added to the user's session object. In the first
request of user 2, all lithist elements are selected, however, as the two insert operations
of user 1 have not been committed yet, the new XML document "england" may not be
selected yet. In the second request of user 1 a third element is inserted into the new XML
document. The according X-Ray QL insert query is again added to the user's session object.
At the end of the second request, all X-Ray QL queries contained in the session object of user
1 are committed by a "COMMIT" operation and the XML document is inserted into the meta
3.3 QL
The top-level component of the X-Ray runtime system is the X-Ray QL engine.
create session
execute query
verify query
check sy ntax
process query
process query if
query has to be
free session
X-Ray user
log out
Figure 12 - Use case diagram for QL engine tasks

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Page 28
This engine is the direct interface for user access. It accepts X-Ray QL queries and transmits
the query result after, processing the query, to the user. For this reason it provides
functionality to verify or execute X-Ray QL queries.
authorise(auth : Authorisation)
verify(query : String, sessionID : String)
execute(query : String, sessionID : String)
freeSession(sessionId : String)
Figure 13 - QLEngine class
As the verify and execute methods are only available to authorised users the user interface
provides an authorisation method. The authorisation of a user is simply delegated to the
authorisation engine (section 3.1), which verifies the users identity and creates a session for
an authorised user. This session may be removed by the freeSession method, which will be
called when the user stops communicating with the X-Ray runtime system interface.
The verify method verifies the syntax of an X-Ray QL query and returns the result of the
verification. In case of an incorrect syntax the number of errors and the according syntax
errors are returned.
The execute method executes an X-Ray QL query and returns the result of the execution.
This may be a list of syntax or semantic errors, in case of a failure during execution, or a
result string indicating the success of the execution.
Several engines support the QL engine in executing or verifying an X-Ray QL query, so that
the QL engine only needs to organise the supporting engines. In the following sections the
execute and the verify method are documented in detail.
3.3.1 X-Ray QL Query Execution
When the user initiates the execution of a number of X-Ray QL queries, the QL engine first
checks the provided session id by retrieving the according session object (see line 13 in code
extract below). If a session object was found for the session id the QL engine starts the
execution process of the query (see sequence diagram below).

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: QLEngine
: Scanner
: Parser
sqlEngine :
: XPathEngine
init( )
parse( )
init( )
execute( )
init(String, XMLDTD, SQLEngine)
execute( )
Figure 14 - Sequence diagram for executing an X-Ray QL query
The first step of the QL engine execution process retrieves single X-Ray QL queries from the
query stream. Therefore the QL engine initialises the syntax scanner with the string
containing the queries (line 20). Afterwards, the syntax parser is required to parse the queries
and separate them into single queries (line 21). The resulting queries are stored in a sorted
Map. If syntax errors occur while parsing the queries, the execution will stop at this point
(line 27).
Every single query is processed separately in order of appearance (processQuery method on
line 37). Thereby for every X-Ray QL query, of type other than transaction operations, the QL
engine creates a SQL engine instance according to the type of X-Ray QL query. So if the
currently processed X-Ray QL query is an insert operation, an insert engine (sub class of
SQLEngine) will be created, if the query is an update operation, an update engine (sub class
of SQLEngine) is created, and so on. Then the QL engine initialises the XPath engine with a
concrete SQL engine instance (e.g. InsertEngine), and starts the XPath engine.
On the one hand the XPath engine uses the XPath expression of the X-Ray QL query to
retrieve a target XML element. This is a XML element of the DTD, which belongs to the
XML document of the query's repository. On the other hand all predicates contained in the
query are extracted. Both, target element and predicates, are fed into the SQL engine instance.
As a last step of execution the SQL engine instance is executed and the result of the X-Ray

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QL query is retrieved and returned to the QL engine.
As executing insert operations or executing queries on before unused relational database
connections could have modified the session object, the session has to be updated (see line
At the end of the execute method, the execution result of the queries in the query string is
returned to the user.
* Executes a statement.
* @param query statement to verify
* @param auth authorisation of the user who wants to execute this method
* @return Result of execution
7: */
public static String execute(String queryStr, String sessionId) {
ifs.xrayruntime.engine.syntax.ErrorStream error = new
QueryResult res = new QueryResult();
//verify the users session id
try {
session = SessionManagement.getSession(sessionId);
catch (SessionManagementException ex) {
res.addQueryOutput("Error: "+ex.getMessage());
return res.toString();
try {
20: Scanner.Init(queryStr, error);
Map queries = Parser.Parse();
if (error.count != 0) {
Enumeration enum = error.getErrors().elements();
while (enum.hasMoreElements())
res.addQueryOutput(error.count + " error(s) detected");
return res.toString();
//init SQL Engine
//process queries
Iterator it = queries.values().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
XRayQLQuery query = (XRayQLQuery);
try {
catch (XRayQLException ex) {
res.addQueryOutput("Error: while executing query: "+ex.getMessage());
41: return res.toString();
//update used session
catch (Exception ex) {
err.println(clsName+".execute()", "Cannot execute query: "+queryStr+"

X-Ray Runtime Implementation
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49: res.addQueryOutput("Cannot execute query:
return res.toString();
52: }
Example 6 - Execute method of QLEngine
3.3.2 X-Ray QL Query Verification
The verification of an X-Ray QL query consists only of a syntax check of the queries.
Therefore the QL engine initialises the syntax scanner with the query string containing the X-
Ray QL queries and tells the syntax parser to parse these queries. If the syntax were not valid,
the syntax errors would be returned to the user.
: QLEngine
: Scanner
: Parser
init( )
parse( )
Figure 15 - Sequence diagram of a X-Ray QL query verification
3.4 Syntax
Scanning the syntax of an X-Ray QL query is essential, because it would be senseless to start
executing a query operation, if the syntax was incorrect. Therefore the syntax scanner and
parser check the validity of the query syntax.
The syntax scanner is responsible for scanning the character stream of the query. The syntax
parser verifies the correctness of symbols and their correct order. If the syntax verification
failed, error messages would be written to an error stream. These three components have been
generated by the compiler-compiler CoCo/R for Java [MÖS90], a tool developed at the SSW
department of professor Mössenböck. The compiler-compiler generates among other classes a
parser and a scanner with the use of an input language (LL(1) [ALT01]). The X-Ray query

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language was developed to fulfil this characteristic.
Figure 16 - Syntax engine class diagram
The following example gives a rough impression of the input language. It shows the top-level
grammar rule of X-Ray QL (XRayQL) that contains references to the Operation grammar
XRayQL <^Map queries>
(. queries = new TreeMap();
XRayQLQuery query;
int i = 1; .)
(. queries.put(new Integer(i++), query); .)
(. queries.put(new Integer(i++), query); .)
Example 7 - X-Ray QL augmented grammar
The core of this specification is the EBNF rule
XRayQL = Operation ';' {Operation ';'}.
Example 8 - X-Ray QL core EBNF rule
It is augmented by attributes and semantic actions. The attributes (e.g. <^query>) specify the
parameters of the symbols. There are input attributes (e.g. <x, y>) and output attributes (e.g.
<^z>). Output attributes are preceded by a "^". A grammar symbol may have at most one
output attribute, which must be the first attribute in the attribute list (e.g. sym<^x, y, z>). The
semantic actions are arbitrary Java statements between "(." and ".)". The generated parser at
its position in the grammar executes a semantic action. The XRayQL rule declares that the X-
Ray query language consists of at least one operation. If there is more than one operation, the
following operations are separated by a semi-colon. The Operation rule defines the permitted
X-Ray QL operations. These are the select, delete, rename, insert, update and transaction


ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Paperback)
895 KB
Institution / Hochschule
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz – Informatik, Angewandte Informatik
2004 (Januar)
relationale datenbank meta abbildung datenmanipulationssprache

Titel: Implementation of a declarative query and data manipulation language for X-Ray
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135 Seiten