- BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation (34)
- BWL - Offline-Marketing und Online-Marketing (8)
- BWL - Investition und Finanzierung (8)
- BWL - Handel und Distribution (7)
- BWL - Customer-Relationship-Management, CRM (6)
- Informatik - Wirtschaftsinformatik (4)
- BWL - Controlling (4)
- Führung und Personal - Sonstiges (3)
- Informatik - Software (2)
- Tourismus - Hotelmanagement (2)
- Gesundheit - Pflegewissenschaft - Sonstiges (1)
- Gesundheit - Sport - Sportökonomie, Sportmanagement (1)
- Politik - Internationale Politik - Thema: Entwicklungspolitik (1)
- BWL - Revision, Prüfungswesen (1)
- BWL - Unternehmenskommunikation (1)
- Elektrotechnik (1)
- BWL - Sonstiges (1)
- BWL - Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik (1)
- Verkehrswissenschaft (1)
- Informatik - Internet, neue Technologien (1)
- Tourismus - Sonstiges (1)
- Ingenieurwissenschaften - Allgemeines (1)
- Ingenieurwissenschaften - Geotechnik (1)
- BWL - Marktforschung (1)
- Führung und Personal - Burnout, Stress am Arbeitsplatz (1)
- Ingenieurwissenschaften - Metallbautechnik / Metallverarbeitung (1)
- BWL - Informationswissenschaften, Informationsmanagement (1)
- Führung und Personal - Personalführung (1)
- Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Regionalgeographie (1)
- Politik - Internationale Politik - Region: USA (1)
Value Based Knowledge Strategies
Strategies to built and share Explicit Knowledge to create Corporate Value and underpin Critical Capabilities©2001 Diplomarbeit -
Total Stakeholding: Leading stakeholder networks to sustainable success
©2011 Masterarbeit -
The Transforming Power of Business-to-Business Electronic Business
©2002 Diplomarbeit -
The impact of a strong global Employer Brand in the war for talent
©2009 Bachelorarbeit -
The "German Code of Corporate Governance"
©2002 Diplomarbeit -
Strategic use of CRM
©2001 Masterarbeit -
Strategic Corporate Communications in Mergers & Acquisitions
©2003 Diplomarbeit -
Reputation Management in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Analysis and evaluation of the use of Reputation Management. A survey of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Germany.©2007 Masterarbeit -
Real Options and Corporate Strategy
Aligning Strategic Decision Making and Resource Allocation with the Markets©2000 Diplomarbeit -
Philosophy of leadership in integrated management systems
©2005 Masterarbeit -
Personal Intelligent User Interfaces 2008
Development of a methodology framework to evaluate technologies in order to define high potential use cases©2006 Diplomarbeit -
Pattern-based Evaluation of IBM WebSphere BPEL
©2006 Studienarbeit -
Open Source Customer Relationship Management Solutions
Potential for an Impact of Open Source CRM Solutions on Small- and Medium Sized Enterprises©2008 Bachelorarbeit