- BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation (9)
- BWL - Offline-Marketing und Online-Marketing (3)
- BWL - Handel und Distribution (3)
- BWL - Investition und Finanzierung (2)
- BWL - Customer-Relationship-Management, CRM (2)
- Informatik - Wirtschaftsinformatik (1)
- Führung und Personal - Sonstiges (1)
- Informatik - Software (1)
- Tourismus - Sonstiges (1)
- Ingenieurwissenschaften - Allgemeines (1)
- Ingenieurwissenschaften - Geotechnik (1)
- BWL - Marktforschung (1)
- Tourismus - Hotelmanagement (1)
- Führung und Personal - Burnout, Stress am Arbeitsplatz (1)
- Ingenieurwissenschaften - Metallbautechnik / Metallverarbeitung (1)
- Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Regionalgeographie (1)
Credit Risk: Recent Advances
©1999 Diplomarbeit -
Creating Competitive Advantage with Electronic Commerce
A Study of the German Insurance Industry©1999 Masterarbeit -
Leitfaden, Möglichkeiten und Konsequenzen der Integration des Internet in den Marketing-Management Prozeß©1997 Diplomarbeit -
Eliminating Waste: A Principal Agent Model with respect to Human Capital
©2005 Diplomarbeit -
Guideline for the Development of Chinese Suppliers
Improving the Buyer Supplier Relationship using the Balanced Scorecard©2006 Diplomarbeit -
Managing Dynamic Capabilities in Alliance Portfolios
©2008 Diplomarbeit -
Eliminating waste in software projects: Effective knowledge management by using web based collaboration technology
The enterprise 2.0 concept applied to lean software development©2007 Masterarbeit -
Pattern-based Evaluation of IBM WebSphere BPEL
©2006 Studienarbeit -
Open Source Customer Relationship Management Solutions
Potential for an Impact of Open Source CRM Solutions on Small- and Medium Sized Enterprises©2008 Bachelorarbeit -
Auswirkungen der Unternehmenskultur auf das Führungsverhalten
©2009 Masterarbeit -
Investment Strategies
How did different Investment Strategies perform when applied to an international portfolio?©2009 Masterarbeit -
The impact of a strong global Employer Brand in the war for talent
©2009 Bachelorarbeit -
A study of eco-labelling in Spain and tourism decision making
The German experience©2009 Bachelorarbeit -